Friday, November 27, 2015

Presidente Batista y la Mafia en Cuba.

Por Miriam Mata
Noviembre 27, 2015

     Existe una gran desinformacion en libros sobre la administracion del presidente
 Fulgencio Batista y la Mafia desde 1952 a 1958, como
 The Mafia of Havana: The Cuban Cosa Nostra By Luis Grave de Peralta Morell


         En la pagina 98 imagen anterior, habla que el mandato de Batista termino en 1944, pero que
nunca dejo el titulo de hombre fuerte de Cuba que termino en el golpe de estado no sangrineto de
Marzo 10, 1952, para ser presidente de nuevo. Ese fue el principio de un largo ciclo de
 caudillismo y tirania en la historia de Cuba.  Otro joven ambicioso , Fidel Castro
 quien se dio a conocer por el ataque a las Barricadas del Moncada en 1953.
Conociendo Fulgencio Batista que no podia ganar en la eleccion de 1958 no fue candidato,
 y en las primeras horas del 1 de Enero de 1959, escapo
de Cuba, con una gran fortuna robada de los fondos publicos,
y compro una isla en Portugal......

      Increible como no solo se cambia la historia, sino que se oculta gran parte de la
 misma en una sola pagina de un libro, resultando que los que  no conocen ni vivieron
 esa epoca de la historia de Cuba hoy en dia despues de seis decadas afirmen como
ciertas lo que dice el autor del libro. Batista entrego el poder en 1944, y le
advirtieron los del partido vencedor que si volvia a Cuba su vida peligraba. de ahi
que se fue a vivir a Daytona en la Florida. Batista fue electo senador en ausencia
 en 1948 y fue cuando regreso a Cuba. El largo ciclo a que se refiere fueron seis
 años de 1952 a 1958, sin mencionaro que en 1954 Batista celebro elecciones
 y gano la presidencia, para el Congreso salieron electos muchos de partidos
 opositores a Batista. La fortuna de Batista si bien es cierto
que tenia dinero, no fue del robo a los fondos publicos como dice, sino por
 los negocios  privados y aun comisiones quizas del negocio de los casinos
 que llevaron a una floreciente economia en Cuba durante la epoca de
 1954 a 1958, a pesar de los atentados terroristas y sabotajes que sufrio
la epoca por los del grupo guerrillero del 26 de Julio. Y el cuento de que
 compro una isla, no es cierto sino quizas el alquiler  o compra de alguna
 propiedad para vivir  no es lo mismo. La isla de Madeira en Portugal no
 la compro Batista  , mas tarde se fue a vivir a España donde murio en 1973.

     Recomendamos la lectura The Growth and Decline of The Cuban Republic.

The Havana Hilton, largest hotel in Havana was not owned by the Mafia, but by the Gastronomy Workers Union.

The Downfall of the Havana Mob

Luciano had been deported from the US to Sicily after the war. In the US he had been in jail but had helped the US war effort working for Naval Intelligence and using his influence in the New York Docks and and in Italy to snuff out the traffic in information about ship movements. He snuck back to Havana from Sicily in 1946 and attempted to re-assert his position as 'Capo di tutti capi' working from Cuba. The US government had other ideas and forced the Cuban Government to deport him again in 1947. Luciano died in Naples in 1962.

The president of Cuba from 1944 to 1948 was Grau San Martin.

The Sydney Morning Herald - Jan 4, 1980

Health, Politics, and Revolution in Cuba Since 1898

In 1946 Grau San Martin was president of Cuba.

a.  The TROPICANA – operated by Wilber Clark and Frank BISCHOPE.  Frank BISCHOFF has been a suspected narcotic trafficker.  His principal assistant in the casino was one Pierre CANAVESE who was closely associated with Salvatore LUCANIA alias Lucky Luciano, FBN International List No. 198.  (CANAVESE had been previously deported from the U.S.A. to Italy but he subsequently entered Cuba by means of a fraudulent passport). (Only the casino, Tropicana Night Club was owned by  cuban Martin Fox)

b.  The SANS SOUCI – operated by Santo TRAFFICANTE Jr. One of Santo TRAFFICANTE Jr.'s principal assistants in the operation of this club was one Sid JACOBS alias Syd Mathews.

c.  The RIVIERA CASINO – operated by Meyer LANSKIN FBN International List No. 169, Frank ERICKSON, Giordano CELLINI, Ed LEVINSON and one "Disty" PETERS.  The RIVIERA CASINO was one of the more honest gambling casinos in Havana.  Meyer LANSKY and Frank ERICKSON were suspected of being the real owners of the club.  Frank ERICKSON  represented racketeer Frank COSTELLO'S interests.

d.  CASINO INTERNATIONAL – Hotel Nacional, operated by Wilbur CLARK.  His principal assistants in the operation of this club were Edward GOFFREDO CELLINY and Merle JACOBS.  As far as could be ascertained, CLARK, CELLINI, and JACOBS do not have any criminal records.

e.  The SEVILLA BILTMORE, operated by Amletto BATTISTI, a Cuban citizen of Italian extraction.  BATTISTI was kingpin of the "bolita" racket (lottery).  He was the owner of the Sevilla Biltmore Hotel which he had leased to a Chicago concern.  BATTISTI also owned and operated a bank in the hotel.

f.   CAPRI HOTEL CASINO – operated by Nicholas Di COSTANZO and Charles TURIN believed to be identical with racketeer Charles TOURAINE [Tourine] alias Charley Blade.  It was believed that George RAFZ, the movie star, owned a considerable interest in this club.

g.  NATIONAL CASINO – operated by Jack LANSKY brother of notorious racketeer Meyer LANSKY, FBN International List No. 169.  Jack and Meyer LANSKY owned the major portion of this casino and had in their employ a number of technicians from Las Vegas, Nevada.  It was said that this casino was run strictly "on the level" because the habitues were the "boys" who demanded a square game when they felt like gambling.

h.  HAVANA HILTON CASINO – Operated by Clifford JONES of Las Vegas, Nevada, Senator Kenneth JOHNSON of Nevada and one Sidney ARCB of New York Two wealthy Cuban industrialists, Ramon MANDOZA and Marcos MENDOZA had substantial interests in this club.  Santo TRAFFICANTE Jr. and Joseph SILESI alias Joe Rivers, of New York, N.Y., were rumored to have had a piece in this casino.  However, this was not verified.

The Havana Hilton, largest hotel in Havana was not owned by the Mafia, but by the Gastronomy Workers Union.

Here is another web site with lies about Batista.

Santo, Jr., established a solid relationship with Cuban President Fulgencio Batista. From 1931 to 1934, Batista was a high-ranking officer in the Cuban military who took part in a series of revolts to overthrow the Cuban presidency. In 1940 he resigned from the army to run for the presidency and was elected. At the end of his term in 1944, he abided by the country’s constitutional provisions, stepped down as president and went into exile in the United States.
Eight years later, Batista, who had remained a behind-the-scenes force in Cuban politics, seized power in a bloodless coup, and under his rule, the Mafia influence in Cuban mushroomed. Batista’s government agreed to match outside investments in Cuba dollar for dollar, as well as grant an operating license to any establishment worth more than a million dollars. Lansky and his fellow mobsters took advantage of the arrangement and built many hotels, including the Hotel National, Sevilla Biltmore and the Havana Hilton. Inside, gambling casinos flourished.

     Batista was not a presidente from 1931 to 1934. Batista was elected senator in 1948 and went back to Cuba. Lansky did not built Havana Hilton, it was owned by The Havana Hilton, largest hotel in Havana was not owned by the Mafia, but by the Gastronomy Workers Union.


Gerardo Machado was elected in 1924, and in 1925 communists tried to kill him as it was published.

The best president Cuba ever had since 1902 was Gerardo Machado he resigned in August 1933.

In August, 1933 there was a general strike and then the generals abandoned him. He fled to Nassau on August 12, 1933, with ABC terrorists shooting at his plane as it taxied on the runway!   He died in Miami Beach, Florida in 1939.

Some newspapers clips about Cuba from 1933 to 1940 ( A must read to know about Cuba)

Full article translated by Google click at  President Batista and the Mafia in Cuba.

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