Monday, January 29, 2018

Por que la Poderosa Radio repite tantas veces el anuncio de la fiesta de Febrero?

Por Miriam Mata
Enero 29, 2018

Desde hace mas de un mes la Poderosa Radio de Miami, anuncia su fiesta por el dia de los enamorados que se efectuara el proximo 10 de Febrero, 2018. Pero en el dia de ayer
Domingo batieron el record personalmente escuche dicho anuncio mas de 25 veces inclusive
a cada media hora de vez en cuando.

Molesta como oyente dicha repeticion, ya que supuestamente la fiesta tiene un limite
de participantes tengo entendido que  de unas 250 personas mas o menos y el anuncio
es largo ya que mencionan algunos de los artistas que actuaran , los regalos y la presentacion
de la abogada Dr. Elena Ortega Tauler y el Dr. Luis Felipe Felipe. Todo lo anterior se
entenderia ya que es una forma de conocerse y compartir con personas de afinidad con esa
estacion que en el ultimo survey de Nielsen ocupa el primer lugar de audiencia entre las
que transmiten en AM en español.

Sin embargo la abogada Dr. Elena Ortega Tauler, tiene presentada su candidatura
 a juez en Corte del Condado Grupo 40 contra Michael George Barket, en mi entender
 y no soy abogado las regulaciones de la FCC son especificas relacionadas a los
 candidatos en elecciones.

Finalmente le pregunto a la Poderosa Radio de Miami, por que repiten el
 anuncio de la fiesta tantas veces mencionando a una doctora que se conoce 
aspira a juez? Tambien se presenta con frecuencia en programas como su
 participacion en la obra cariticativa de la Iglesia Mision Avivamiento y Fuego
 del Pastor Ruben Gimenez. 

 Raquelita Regalado que tenia programa en esa emisora cuando aspiro
 recientemente se mantuvo alejada de su programa cual es la diferencia ahora?
 Son las regulaciones de la FCC aplicables o no en este caso? Estimo
la estacion de Radio WWFE 670 AM conocida como la Poderosa nos debe
 explicar la razon.

Nota: Despues que escribi este desahogo sintonice la estacion era mas o menos
la 12.30 P.M. a las 12.50 PM pasaron el  (1)anuncio que dura mas de dos minutos
transmiten una cancion de Rey Rios titulada Cobrate Conmigo y transmiten de
nuevo el (2) anuncio a las 12.54 PM  participando el propietario de la estacion el
 Sr. Jorge Rodriguez y la periodista Ariane Gonzalez hablando de la fiesta por
 seis minutos Transmiten el   programa de Eddy Calderon
 y a la 1.59 PM lo  transmiten de nuevo el  (3) anuncio, y despues a las 3.15 PM lo 
repiten (4). En otras palabras transmitieron el anuncio cuatro veces  en un poco mas de
dos horas. En todos nombraron a la aspirante  la abogada Dr. Elena Ortega
Tauler. A las 5.01 PM repitieron el anuncio es el numero (5) en cuatro horas. A las
6.50 PM repitieron el anuncio seria el numero( 6). A las 7.57 PM repiten el anuncio # (7).
A las 9.31 PM repitieron el anuncio por  (8) vez. Para muestra un boton seguiran con
el mismo formato como han hecho por mas de un mes parecida a la frecuencia 
desde las 12.50 PM hasta las 9.31 PM de hoy.   

 Veanse todos los aspirantes en este enlace.

Regulaciones de la FCC

Announcements Promoting Goods and Services


The Political Broadcasting Rules: A Refresher Course

What are “equal opportunities”?
All candidates for the same office must be treated in an equal manner. This rule – known as the “equal opportunities” or “equal time” rule – applies to both federal and non-federal (i.e., state and local) candidates; it is not restricted to a limited period of time before the election. The rule is triggered by a “use” of a station by a legally qualified candidate. Once a legally qualified candidate for a given office makes a “use” of a station, all other legally qualified candidates for the same office are entitled to the opportunity to make equal use of the station. That is, the station must make the same amount and kind of time available at the same cost.
In order to take advantage of this rule, a candidate seeking equal time must request it within seven days of the opposing candidate’s triggering “use” of the station. Stations are not obligated to notify opposing candidates when a “use” is made but, as described below, stations must document all uses in their political files and make those files available for inspection. If a station does not make documentation publicly available in a timely manner, the seven-day deadline for equal time claims may be extended.
The equal opportunities rule can become a serious issue when on-air talent wish to run for office. All of their appearances on the station after becoming “legally qualified” count as free uses of the station. Similarly, if an actor or other entertainment personality becomes a legally qualified candidate, the broadcast of movies, TV shows or other material in which the actor/personality is identifiable would also count as free uses. Such uses would obligate the station to give equal amounts of free time to all opposing candidates.
Equal time claims can also become a serious issue in the final days before an election, when some stations may need to monitor their available commercial inventory closely to ensure that they are able to accommodate equal time demands from candidates.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Venganza contra el Comisionado de Miami Joe Carollo es un conflicto de interes.

Por Miriam Mata
Enero 9, 2018

City of Miami Charter

(c) Qualifications of mayor and city commission; mayor, city commissioners, and other officers and employees not to be interested in contracts, etc.; franks, free tickets, passes or service. Candidates for mayor shall be residents of the city for at least one (1) year prior to qualifying and shall be electors therein. Further, candidates for the city commission shall have resided within the district at least one (1) year before qualifying and be electors in that district, and shall maintain residence in that district for the duration of their term of office. The mayor, city commissioners, and other officers and employees shall not be interested in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work or service for the municipality. The mayor or any city commissioner who shall cease to possess any of the qualifications herein required shall forthwith forfeit his or her office, and any such contract in which any member is or may become interested may be declared void by the city commission. No mayor, city commissioner, or other officer or employee of said city shall accept any frank, free ticket, pass or service directly or indirectly, from any person, firm or corporation upon terms more favorable than are granted to the public generally. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor. Such prohibition of free service shall not apply to police or fire personnel in uniform or wearing their official badges, where same is provided by ordinance. 

En referencia al juicio sobre si Joe Carollo calificaba para el puesto de Comisionado
por el que fue electo sin yo ser abogada simplemente interpreto lo que dice la Carta
de la ciudad , es lo que esta en disputa en el juicio que termino ayer y se espera
decision del Juez la semana proxima.

"candidates for the city commission shall have resided within the district at least one
 (1) year before qualifying and be electors in that district,"

Candidatos para la comision deben haber residido en ese distrito por lo menos un año  antes de calificar y
ser elector de ese distrito.

Carollo califico y la ciudad lo admitio como candidato.

"City commission to be judge of its own elections; neither mayor nor city commission nor any committees nor members thereof to dictate appointments by or interfere with city manager. The city commission shall be the judge of the election and qualifications of the mayor and its own members, subject to review by the courts"

La comision de la ciudad seria juez en sus propias elecciones. tampoco el alcalde o
la comision de la ciudad o algun comite o miembros en esto a dictar citas por eso o
interferir con el manager de la ciudad. La comision de la ciudad debe ser el juez
y de las calificaciones del alcalde y sus propios miembros, sujeto a revision de las

En mi interpretacion y repito no soy abogado, antes de presentar
este caso contra Carollo en las cortes no escuche que alguien de la comision
lo cuestionara, y menos aun cuando en una conferencia de prensa Carollo
presento pruebas que su opositor no era elector de la ciudad de Miami.

Dicho silencio y la interpretacion no ha sido cuestionada en el juicio
por lo que he leido del reportero del Miami Herald desde la corte
en twitter. Solo sobre el gasto de la electricidad, si tenia o no toallas en
el apartamento, y el cuento del celular a la hora que hizo una llamada.
y otras estupideces no especificadas en la Carta de la ciudad para
tratar de mostrar que el contrato de vivienda de  Carollo un dia antes
 del termino requerido no era valido como residente del distrito.

No se cual sera la decision del juez, y si tomara en cuenta la predileccion
de los electores de ese distrito, o si se repetira lo que decia Chivas en
epoca de elecciones en Cuba eso de " Verguenza contra el dinero", ya
que Miami como en la nacion tambien cuenta con intereses creados
como se demuestra en la gran cantidad de dinero aportado al perdedor
en la segunda vuelta en pocos dias, ni mencionaron en el juicio donde
trabaja el perdedor,  pero si se nota que este grupo de milenios
adinerados u otros politicos electos no han olvidado cuando
tuvieron que dejar su posicion por decision de un juez y Carollo
ocupo su puesto como alcalde pues se comprobo que hubo fraude.

Ahora no esta en cuestion el fraude de los electores por boletas
ausentes, sino la Carta de la ciudad solo para Carollo lo demas
no es de interes analizar en este juicio.

El juez tendra varias opciones, el demandante declaro en una
ocasion que deber haber otra eleccion entre el y la aspirante
del tercer lugar y eliminar totalmente a Carollo.

Existe la posibilidad que se anule totalmente la eleccion y se
efectue otra con todos los candidatos.

Tambien puede que el juez decida otra eleccion entre
Carollo y Leon.

Finalmente que decida el juez que Carollo cumplio con lo
requisitos de la Carta Constitutiva de la ciudad y se quedara
en el puesto, pidiendole a la actual Comision de la ciudad
que en las proximas elecciones se pronuncien sobre las
calificaciones antes de llevar a las cortes la vida personal
a detalle sobre Carollo, sus obligaciones familiares ya que
Dios, patria y familia se entralazan y no deben bajo
ningun rencor personal de sus opositores repetirse el
show que he leido sobre como se efectuo el juicio para
destituirlo como comisionado de la ciudad de Miami
por la que fue electo mayoritariamente a pesar de los
poderosos en influencia de intereses personales con
los que polulan no solo contra Carollo sino tambien
contra los que confian en el como son las uniones
de los policias y bomberos y que fueron olvidados
por similares personajes de los que ahora se
encuentran detras de este conflicto de interes.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018








The Secret Service began its investigation of OSWALD'S connection to 544 Camp Street by questioning Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez. "On December 1, 1963, United States Secret Service Agent Anthony E. Gerrets interviewed Mr. Arnesto N. Rodriguez, Sr. 1205 Charles Avenue, New Orleans. Telephone 523-3720. Mr. Rodriguez is 72 years of age. Mr. Rodriguez stated that he attended the Chenet Institute (no longer existent) at New Orleans, completing a high school course and specializing in English. This was about 1907. He said he subsequently attended the Soule Business College in New Orleans, graduating therefrom in September 1909, having completed a two year commercial course. He said he returned to Cuba, and subsequently established himself in the wholesale electrical business. He said he continued in the electrical business in Havana until November 1960, when Castro confiscated all of his assets, including his home in Havana, his country estate outside of Havana, and all of his other properties, banks accounts etc." Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez Sr. said was a member of the Crusade to Free Cuba. He said the Sergio Arcacha Smith, the former delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Council in New Orleans, was a member of the Crusade, however, Smith had been expelled for embezzling funds. Rodriguez said that Carlos Quigora and Ronnie Caire knew Smith. He said that the Crusade to Free Cuba was "founded primarily to raise funds with which to buy arms and supplies for use by the Cuban Revolutionary Front...


Manuel Gil gave the FBI the name Steve Maishall and the telephone number of the local bus terminal. Steve Maishall was a crank with a long psychiatric and criminal history. William C. Sullivan had a friend in New Orleans who was a friend of Manuel Gil. The FBI reported: "At approximately 8:55 a.m. November 27, 1963, Inspector Don Moore of the Bureau called and advised that Assistant Director William Sullivan has a friend in New Orleans named (Deleted) who advised Sullivan yesterday that a Cuban named Manuel Gil, 620 Gravier Street, New Orleans, supposedly knew OSWALD and OSWALD supposedly called Gil on the telephone." [FBI 62-109060-1649,282; New Orleans States-Item2.20.67; FBI 89-69-323 11.22.63] On December 1, 1963, the FBI interviewed Mr. Manuel Gil. "Mr. Gil stated that he did not know OSWALD personally and had never seen him. He said he had seen photos of OSWALD on television and in newspapers since President Kennedy's assassination. Mr. Gil stated he has been a member of the Cuban Revolutionary Council for about the last two years. He said this organization formerly had offices at 544 Camp Street, 2nd floor, for about six months during 1961 to 1962; that Smith had been the New Orleans delegate to the Cuban Revolutionary Council. He said that Luis Rabel, Arnesto Rodriguez Sr., Arnesto Rodriguez Jr., Smith and himself, were authorized to sign checks in behalf of the Cuban Revolutionary Council as was Carlos J. Grimader, CPA. Gil was employed by the Information Council of the Americas..."



ARNESTO RODRIGUEZ JR. KNEW OSWALD All the CIA told the HSCA about Arnesto and his son Junior was "Arnesto Rodriguez Sr. Member of Cuban Revolutionary Council is (sic) New Orleans. Member of Crusade to Free Cuba Committee. On May 21, 1963 the CIA created an FLD INDEX ONLY card regarding Rodriguez 201-290047 UFG -02872 "INFO RE ATTEMPTS TO UNIFY CUBAN EXILE COMMUNITY. DOI 4-14 MAY 63. Another card, 019-120-013 dated May 28, 1963 "RE CURRENT MBRS OF THE FACTION OPPOSED TO OR SEPARATE FROM THE CRC OF MDC / CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT. PRESIDENT." On November 27, 1963, CI/SIG generated a memo on Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez marked "Sensitive Disseminations. Pablo Amezcua's mother-in-law, Maria Rodriguez Vinda De Lopez, claimed that her son-in-law, Arnesto N. Rodriguez Sr. is, or was, active in Cuban refugee circles, and who headed a language school in New Orleans, made a tape recording of OSWALD: "Aguirre further said that Maria Rodriguez Vinda De Lopez, during the November 23, 1963, conversation, said that Arnesto Rodriguez had tape-recorded a conversation with OSWALD. B. The son-in-law is a Cuban named Arnesto Rodriguez, who lives at 212 Jefferson Parish, telephone VERNON 5-9658, New Orleans. Rodriguez also told the CIA about his encounter with OSWALD. According to the first confidential source abroad, Arnesto Rodriguez, President of the Modern Language Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana, advised that OSWALD contacted him on one occasion during the last week of July, or early August 1963, and inquired concerning a Spanish language course offered at the Institute. OSWALD did not take any courses, and Rodriguez had no taped recordings of OSWALD'S voice. Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez told an investigator for New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison that OSWALD "came to the Berlitz School of Languages on one occasion and attempted to talk to him about the possibility of taking a language course, and about Cuba in general. Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez said he told OSWALD he was busy at the time; if he would return at a later date, they could discuss the situation. 2. The two Cubans were introduced to our source by Arnesto Rodriguez, a Cuban-born U.S. citizen who lives in New Orleans, and is as teacher at the local Berlitz Language School. 
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ARNESTO NAPOLEON RODRIGUEZArnesto Napoleon Rodriguez (Y) Gonzalez Sr. had been a manufacturers representative in Havana, Cuba. [CIA 201-27,5643 born August 15, 1891] According to the CIA, Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez "has in his possession letters of Commendation for services performed for U.S. Naval Attache at American Legation, Havana, Cuba for services performed in 1934.Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez was of interest to the CIA's Domestic Contacts Division on March 5, 1962, when a CIA source stated that he had introduced the source to two Cubans who claimed they were collecting money for the Cuban Revolutionary Council.On November 27, 1963, CI/SIG generated a memo on Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez marked "Sensitive Disseminations."On November 27, 1963, Dr. Jose Guillermo Aguirre informed Pete Moraga, a USIA officer at the American Embassy, Mexico City, that he had attended a dinner on November 23, 1963, in honor of Dr. Charles Moore of New Orleans, at the home of Pablo Amezcua.Pablo Amezcua's mother-in-law, Maria Rodriguez Vinda De Lopez, claimed that her son-in-law, Arnesto N. Rodriguez Sr. is, or was, active in Cuban refugee circles, and who headed a language school in New Orleans, made a tape recording of OSWALD: "Aguirre further said that Maria Rodriguez Vinda De Lopez, during the November 23, 1963, conversation, said that Arnesto Rodriguez had tape-recorded a conversation with OSWALD."Pablo Amezcua's mother-in-law, Maria Rodriguez Vinda De Lopez, claimed that her son-in-law, Arnesto N. Rodriguez Sr. is, or was, active in Cuban refugee circles, and who headed a language school in New Orleans, made a tape recording of OSWALD: "Aguirre further said that Maria Rodriguez Vinda De Lopez, during the November 23, 1963, conversation, said that Arnesto Rodriguez had tape-recorded a conversation with OSWALD."B. The son-in-law is a Cuban named Arnesto Rodriguez, who lives at 212 Jefferson Parish, telephone VERNON 5-9658, New Orleans.Rodriguez also told the CIA about his encounter with OSWALD.The CIA gave the information to the FBI: "According to the first confidential source abroad, Arnesto Rodriguez, President of the Modern Language Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana, advised that OSWALD contacted him on one occasion during the last week of July, or early August 1963, and inquired concerning a Spanish language course offered at the Institute.OSWALD did not take any courses, and Rodriguez had no taped recordings of OSWALD'S voice.The Secret Service began its investigation of OSWALD'S connection to 544 Camp Street by questioning Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez.Mr. Rodriguez is 72 years of age.Mr. Rodriguez stated that he attended the Chenet Institute (no longer existent) at New Orleans, completing a high school course and specializing in English.Rodriguez said that Carlos Quigora and Ronnie Caire knew Smith."Mr. Rodriguez, Sr. said he had never seen OSWALD in his life and only knew that OSWALD had a fight with CARLOS BRINGUIER and two other Cubans on Canal Street, for which he had been arrested on August 9, 1963.Mr. Rodriguez said he did not know of anyone who had belong to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." GARRISON INTERVIEWS ARNESTO RODRIGUEZArnesto Napoleon Rodriguez told an investigator for New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison that OSWALD "came to the Berlitz School of Languages on one occasion and attempted to talk to him about the possibility of taking a language course, and about Cuba in general.Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez said he told OSWALD he was busy at the time; if he would return at a later date, they could discuss the situation.2. The two Cubans were introduced to our source by Arnesto Rodriguez, a Cuban-born U.S. citizen who lives in New Orleans, and is as teacher at the local Berlitz Language School.On this card were the names Sergio A. Smith, Manuel Gil, Tony Varona and Arnesto N. Rodriguez Sr. and William T. Butler, aka Edward Butler, free lance anti-Communist, was listed on another card, as was Nathan Weyl. [CIA FOIA 06739 12.15.60; HEMMING HSCA Test.]
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